This was what i felt today.
I'm so nervous. Such a freak -________- Hehehehes.

This was the speed of my oral speaking. Hahahas.
I can't believe. And i was going really really fast.
Oh dear :D

PHEW. That was my mind when i finished my oral.
But i was happy, I finished my oral and i didn't need to worry about it anymore.
Ekonomi asas, i love you. So please cooperate with my brain.
I'm persuading the subject. LMAO.
You can do it, you can (: (:
I played wonderking yesterday.
I am exalted :D because i found some Malaysian friends. HOHOHO.
I guess that's lucky.
And it was fun though.
p/s: To someone and someone, don't quarrel. I don't like :/ HAHAHAS, I bought the key chains for you, why didn't you all hang it on your pencil case? T^T *Sobbing*
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