Yea, what is the aim?
I'm lost, again.
I don't know why.
Maybe my situation is like you, yi hua.
It's so hard to walk.
Like the topic, you don't know about what they are talking.
Movies or class homeworks.
I fell down again.
Yet, they waited for me but i rejected.
It's kinda strange.
And of course, awkward.

Staying alone at there, i prefer walking myself.
I don't need to worry about anything.
I'm stressed.
Looking jia hui and yi ni are together, caryn and pu yeh,
Even fong yee and khoi wei.
That's why i don't like with them.
I'm like the third one.
I don't like to interrupt them.
Probably they are sharing their only secrets, Only.
Sigh, i pretended to be happy.
Well, it's too hard.
I'll be walking alone(:
I'm ok, ok ;D
When i was standard six, i remembered all things.
My friends, they are better.
We are just kidding around, laughing at the stupid jokes.
And love, of course.
My memories flash back, always.
HE asked me to play maple again.
I'm really thinking about it.
If i played, will i fall in love with him deeper?
Is our future birght?
It is hurts, enough!
ENOUGH for all!
I'm tired and i need rest rest rest.
I was hoping to transfer a new school, a new environment.
Is there a school with no fight, jealousy and sadness?
I guess there is one, THE ONLY ONE.
Jesus christ. HEAVEN, my home (:
FORGIVE ME! I'm sorry for what i've done.

To wei xin,
Yea, you must be really shocked. I'm sorry for not telling you all the truth. I don't know what happened to myself these few days, I just UGH! Getting really pissed off! Sorry, i can't tell you who is that, and of course, it's not you, don't be so sensitive. BE happy, that's my wish to you ;D
To yi hua,
I don't know. Will contact you in the mail. Hehe.
To penny,
For you, you are a preetty gal for me. Even my brother says so. SHHH! Thanks! And i like the pets in pet society too.
To Hui Wen,
I don't think so you will be seeing my blog, cause you have so many friends in your own blog. Just wanna to thank you for your warm smile.
To yan yee,
What i can say is, i really appreciated what you said to me everyday and i just pretended i don't care. Sorry.
To pu yeh,
Sorry for being so unhappy to you, you said i'm so foolish to give something to XXX. Yea, i'm really dumb, i know. And really thanks, i appreciate our friendship that lasts from standard one till now. Hope you are too.
To yi ni,
Well, dear cousin. You are really good to me and yew ben. We always bully you, almost everyday, although you need to "seperate" your nice bread to us. Hehee. You treat good to me. Erm, hope we will not be quarelling for other things. (although i don't know who teddy is, but i just know about teddy bear is in my house and laying on my comfortable bed(=)
To jia hui,
I like you to accompany me to go pejabat or take buku kawalan. Lanang, i know who is he. Tun Sri Lanang, in sejarah form 1. Hahas.
Well, that's all. I'm tired.

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