This is her, Wong Yan Yee.
*She loves teddy bear.
*She loves to take photo of herself.
*She is very hyperactive.

*She always syok herself.
*She doesn't care if someone is there.
*She likes to shout and her shouting can cause an earthquake.
*She doesn't like to study.
*For her, Sejarah is boring.
*She always satisfied with her results.
*Because she said, i have already tried.

*She likes to smile.
*She loves to do silly things.
*Owh, she likes to do silly faces if i'm not mistaken.

*She is a piglet.
*So, she loves sleeping.
*She doesn't like someone bothered her when she was enjoying her sleeping.
*She said sleeping can forget everything.

*She loves rain.
*She said although rain is cold, but she can feel the warmth of the rain.
*She totally loves water.
*So beware! If she sees water balloon, she will take one and throw it to you.
*And don't let her be so syok.
*She will become crazier when she sees water coming out from the tape water.
*Lol, kidding.
*Funny? No=.=

*She loves dessert.
*Sweet things and chocolates are her favourite.
*She likes shopping.
*She loves buying dresses from forever 21.
*She likes her dog, Max zai.

*Of course, this is just an example of her dog.
*She used to be have a dog named Bobby.
*Her email is caryn_yanyee@hotmail.com
*She is 14 yearsold in 2009.
*She likes yellow, red, white and pink.
*She wants to meet new friends.
*She is friendly.
*She can be really "high".
*She isn't fat.
*She isn't thin.
*So, she is slim.
*She loves Sunway lagoon.
*She always thinks of playing.
*She concerns about her love.

*For her, love is important.
*She loves XXX.
*She loves all of us.
*She loves her family.

*She will cry when she thinks about her love.
*She will be miserable when she thinks of XXX.
*She said it is worthy.
*Love makes her confused.
*Love is sweet and bitter for her.

*Her heart is hurting.
*She doesn't know what to do.
*She loves to talk craps.

*Remember, a rainbow in her life.
*If anything happens, just pray.
*Jesus loves you (:, all of us.
p/s: I'm so geng. Write 60* about her :D!